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Ocellated Antbird

Phaenostictus mcleannani


A widespread antbird, found in the understory of moist forests. Its most noticable characteristic is a blue patch of bare skin around its eyes. Like many antbirds, it feeds primarily on insects and other arthropods, and sometimes small lizards. It obtains much of its prey by following army ant trails, feeding on the insects that the ants flush.


Midland rainforest

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Hunter Hebenstreit
Hunter Hebenstreit 12 years ago

@Willie: No, it is simply how the branches aligned themselves in front of the bird. Like most antbirds, it was skulking in the undergrowth and it was hard to get a clear shot of it. Thanks everyone! :)

rutasandinas 12 years ago

Wow espectacular muy bella felicidades

williefromwi 12 years ago

This photo appears to show a cage or some sort, was this a captive bird? Beautiful bird.

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

striking coloring!

Alajuela, Costa Rica

Spotted on Apr 4, 2012
Submitted on Jul 31, 2012

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