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Simplex Clearwing Butterfly

Pteronymia simplex simplex


My first spotting from Costa Rica :) Small butterfly around 5 cm in size with clear wings with orange coloured borders/trimmings on their wings.


Adults range from Mexico through Panama and Colombia. Saw lots of them in one particular part of the mountain, only deep into the forest trails along a river.


Most of the time, they are very skittish like all butterfly but much easier to get close to them to take pictures when they are feeding. They seems to be mostly feeding on bird's droppings :D New Organism to Project Noah

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 9 years ago
Simplex Clearwing
Pteronymia simplex simplex Pteronymia s. simplex (live adults)

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27 Comments (1–25)

AlbertKang 8 years ago

Thanks, @Ashley for this honour! :)

AshleyT 8 years ago

Congrats Albert, your beautiful Clearwing Butterflies has made the top 10 arthropod spottings in the '2015 Best Wildlife Photo' mission! Rangers are voting on the top 10 arthropod spottings, and the top 3 will be announced on February 9th. The top 3 spottings will be commented on here on the site, but make sure you keep a look out on our Facebook app page for the announcement as well! Congratulations on making the top 10!

AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @mama bear, @dotun55, @Rieko, @Leana, @JoseJones14, @ViSarancha and @James McNair for your kind comments.

Thanks, @Gilma, was just lucky and waited for them to move to this position when I took this picture :)

Thanks, @Daniele for selecting this Spotting as Fact of the Day :)

James McNair
James McNair 9 years ago

Congrats Albert on SOTD, superb and beautiful images. Well done!

VitoSarancha 9 years ago


DanielePralong 9 years ago

Congratulations Albert! Your spotting has been chosen for Project Noah Fact of the Day: "The Nymphalidae are the largest family of butterflies with about 6,000 species distributed throughout most of the world. These are usually medium-sized to large butterflies. Most species have a reduced pair of forelegs and many hold their colorful wings flat when resting. They are also called brush-footed butterflies or four-footed butterflies. ~Wikipedia

Simplex Clearwing Butterfly (Pteronymia simplex simplex) spotted in Puntarenas, Costa Rica by PN member AlbertKang"

JoseJones14 9 years ago

Great pic!


RiekoS 9 years ago

So beautiful.

Fantastic!! AlbertKang, it is so amazing that you were able to get 3 of them in the picture... : )

dotun55 9 years ago

Beautiful capture. Their spatial arrangement on the feeding site is fascinating. Congratulations!

mama bear
mama bear 9 years ago

Amazing! Thanks for sharing! ☺

AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @jeslowery, @Leuba and @Mark :)
It was interesting to me as I hiked 3 different mountains in the same vicinity and only found them in one.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Incredible scene.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 9 years ago

Great spotting ! Looking forward to seeing more....

jeslowery 9 years ago


AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @tmvdh and will do.

tmvdh 9 years ago

Great spotting! It would be GREAT if you could add your insect spottings from Costa Rica to the mission "Insects of Costa Rica" ;-).

AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @Antonio.
I had thought this is a Glasswing butterfly (Greta oto) but bayucca gave the corrected ID. So, this could be the first Spotting of Pteronymia simplex simplex on PN?

Wow,great find Albert,just beautiful,congrats and thanks for sharing

AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @Desmond.

Thanks, @bayucca for the correct ID, will update and change the descriptions accordingly.

bayucca 9 years ago

Nymphalidae, Danainae, Ithomiini, Pteronymia simplex simplex.
It cannot be a Greta, veins and markings are different.
Greta morgane oto:

Desmond.E.S.O 9 years ago

Awesome photography, Albert!

AlbertKang 9 years ago

Thanks, @Diaz, @Helena and @dan

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 9 years ago

Nice first spot Albert!

Spotted by

Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Spotted on Mar 19, 2015
Submitted on Mar 24, 2015

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