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Butter Waxcap

Hyrocybe ceracea


Waxcap species growing on unimproved grassland. Kiss test; stuck to lips for 2-3 seconds Hygrocybe citrinovirens (appears more conical in google images), Hygrocybe chlorophana, Hyrocybe ceracea, Hygrocybe quieta, Hygrocybe vitellina has decurrent gills, Hygrocybe reidii occasionally occurs in an all-yellow form; it is larger and its crushed gills smell like honey.



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1 Comment

lightworkerpeace 11 years ago

I'm not certain but I'd agree its a Hygrocybe, possibly a very rarely photographed one.

Spotted by

High Peak, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on Sep 18, 2012
Submitted on Sep 18, 2012

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