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A beautiful soft lacy fungi growing on wet wood.


tropical rainforest.


possibly a favolus sp.

Species ID Suggestions

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MichelBeeckman 9 years ago

The difference between Favolaschia and Favolus is that the former is actually compareable with a poroid Mycena (placed in the family Mycenaceae) and the latter is a true Polypore (Polyporaceae). With that in mind, I believe you could feel it in the structure of the mushroom. Polypores tend to be more leathery, more firm, than the fragile mycenoid mushrooms. Thus, I dare not to which of the two it is and may you consider my former comment as a starting point for further investigation, but not as a solid identification.

pamsai 9 years ago

thanks CorduneanuVlad and Michel for this ID.. How to name this Michel? Favolaschia sp. or Favolus sp.? And which would be the common name?

MichelBeeckman 9 years ago

Indeed CorduneanuVlad! This is or is close to Favolaschia pustulosa, one of the white species of Favolaschia ;)

CorduneanuVlad 9 years ago

From the underside, it looks similar to Favolaschia Calocera, maybe something in the same family...

pamsai 9 years ago

love the lace-like pattern of these fungi

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San José, San José, Costa Rica

Spotted on May 8, 2015
Submitted on May 13, 2015

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