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Streak-throated Woodpecker (female)

Picus xanthopygaeus


It has a black crown so it is a female. Males are red-headed. Greenish body. Scaly front. White line above and under eyes.Sharp, short, black bill.


Urban residential area. This bird was on a tall Polyalthia longifolia tree lining the road. I was walking past when I heard a reminded me of a parakeet's call. We see parakeets rarely here so I stopped and actually retraced my path to stand under the tree. This bird was poking the branch with nary a care about gawkers. Not sure if she was excavating a hole to make a nest or looking for insects.

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SukanyaDatta a year ago

Thank you, Leuba. Happy to have jostled some happy memories for you. I see this bird species rather infrequently but the tree is pretty common...often used to decorate pandals and inexpensive bouquets.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway a year ago

Lovely series Sukanya. The tree brought back memories of our house in India.

Spotted by

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Spotted on Jul 23, 2022
Submitted on Jul 23, 2022

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