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Angularfruit Milkvine / Eastern Anglepod

Matelea gonocarpos / Gonolobus suberosus auct. non


Matelea gonocarpos is a perennial vine with milky sap. Flowers: Summer; Yellow/ Purplish-brown; Bisexual; Radially symmetrical; 5-merous; 5-lobed rotate corolla; Superior ovary. Flowers vary in color from having a purple center with green tips to green. Leaves: Simple; Opposite Fruit: Summer/Fall; Follicle. Fruits are ‘star-shaped’ in cross-section.


Native Range: Southeastern United States (See: Matelea gonocarpos is usually found in moist areas either wooded or open. Climbs if support is available; otherwise grows across the ground.


The scientific name of this species is in dispute. According to the Integrated Taxonomy Information System (, the name Matelea gonocarpos is ‘not accepted.’ The name Gonolobus gonocarpos is ‘not accepted.’ The name Gonolobus suberosus (Anglelpod) is ‘Accepted.’ The USDA Plant Database still uses the name Matelea gonocarpos, acknowledging the name Gonolobus suberosus as auct.non. (name misapplied). Krings, A. 2007. Systematics of Gonolobus and the Gonolobinae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae): Circumscription based on evidence from molecules and morphology; new species and combinations; typification, revision, and conservation in the West Indies. Pp. 460-461. Krings indicates that the name Gonolobus suberosum was a combination based on the original name Cynanchum suberosum. This name has been recognized as applying to the ‘single Gonolobus species in the southeastern United States…. Schlechter (1899) and Woodson (1941) considered Springel’s G. suberosus to be a synonym of what is now known as Matelea maritima (Jacq.) Woodson. Sprengel’s description is not inconsistent with their decision.’ ( This would mean that the name Gonolobus suberosum is not a synonym of Matelea gonocarpos and, therefore, the name Matelea gonocarpos is valid.

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Georgia, USA

Spotted on Jun 25, 2015
Submitted on Jun 27, 2015

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