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Picture-Winged Fly

Delphinia picta (Fabricius)


From Several of the native picture-winged flies in the family Ulidiidae often are confused with fruit flies in the family Tephritidae. While the females of most species of Tephritidae oviposit in living, healthy plant tissue and their larvae live and feed in various parts of the plant, the larvae of most species of Ulidiidae are saprophagic. However, a few, such as Tritoxa flexa (Wiedemann) and Tetanops myopaeformis (Röder), attack living plant tissue. One of the picture-winged flies in Florida most often mistaken for a true fruit fly, some of which are important pests of citrus and other fruit, is Delphinia picta (Fabricius). Although the larvae of this fly have been collected from fallen ripe plums, well decayed (verbal report from G.C. Steyskal 1970), Delphinia picta larvae do not attack fresh, healthy fruit.

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Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee, USA

Spotted on Jun 24, 2015
Submitted on Jun 25, 2015

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