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Snow lichen

Stereocaulon sp.


Silvery, delicate, fruticose lichen growing on lava rocks with some adjacent bryophyte(s) and at least one other lichen species. The lichen was friable and less than 1” in height.


Seen in the mixed forest of Lava Tree State Park. Warm annual climate with high rainfall.

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mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago

Thank you for the genus suggestion, hpwra.

Yes, light colored lichens do add a nice contrast to the black lava rocks. When I see them in Volcanoes National Park, it makes for an eerie feeling in the lava fields.

hpwra 11 years ago

A lichen. Probably a Stereocaulon, but not sure which one. I know we have Stereocaulon vulcani up in Haleakala National Park, but not sure if there are other species out there. Always adds a nice contrast to the black lava rock

mauna Kunzah
Spotted by
mauna Kunzah

Hawaii, USA

Spotted on Jan 8, 2013
Submitted on Jan 30, 2013

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