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Lythrum salicaria
The stems have a variable amount of hairiness and are rounded or 4-sided in shape. The leaves are usually opposite and are up to 4 inches long. The upper stems end in long spikes of flowers. Each flower is at least 1/2" across, consisting of 6 purple petals, a green tubular calyx, 6+ stamens, and a pistil with a green stigma. Each petal has a dark purple line toward its base.
Throughout an open field at Pratt Nature Center
Okay, great! Thanks again!
Yep, definitely sounds like Purple Loosestrife. And your pictures are gorgeous, by the way!
Thanks so much for your help Jackie. I added two more pictures with closer shots of the stem and leaves. I'm pretty sure the stems look wingless, leaves/stem are hairy, and the stem was round/4-sided, which would indicate Purple Loosestrife, right? The plants were as tall as I am (5 feet) and flowers were at least 1/2" across.
Looks like Purple Loosestrife to me as well, but it might also be Winged Loosestrife, which is native. You can tell the difference in the details of the stems and leaves, which aren't included in your pictures. See the "Comments" section at the bottom of these pages: