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St. Andrew's Cross Spider (female)

Argiope keyserlingi


This is a female! She has "...a silvery carapace and a silver, yellow, red and black banded upper abdomen with two longitudinal yellow stripes below. (Australian Museum)


This web was across the grass and maybe a little over the water on the bank of the river at Mt Hart.


Thank you for identifying this beautiful Spider Neil! I have never been able to get a shot of the top of these...and the bottom is never easy through the web :D These Spiders are "...named for the bluish-white cross-shaped pattern of silk through the centre of the web resembling the St Andrew's cross on the Scottish flag." (Oz Animals: )

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armadeus.4 8 years ago

Thank you Neil :)

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 8 years ago

It's a great spotting, out in the middle of nowhere, it appears. Wonderful spiders.

armadeus.4 8 years ago

Definitely looks familiar! Thank you for identifying this lovely Spider Neil! And yes, of course...if the invasive Cane Toads (Rhinella marina) can be transported around then it does stand to reason that a smaller critter can as well :) My brain got caught up in the research ha ha

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 8 years ago

Hi Liana. Look familiar? I'd say this is exactly what you have. Not too difficult for them to be transported around the country. In fact, this link says they're found across Australia, including Tassie.

Daniel T.
Daniel T. 8 years ago

It looks a lot like a garden spider. They're common to East TX.

armadeus.4 8 years ago

Oh...I hear you! Just doing the cropping gave me the heebie jeebies :DD

Stephanie R.
Stephanie R. 8 years ago

Amazing.....but gives me the creeps just looking at it!

Spotted by

Western Australia, Australia

Spotted on Apr 26, 2015
Submitted on May 12, 2016

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