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Four-spotted Moth

Tyta luctuosa


It is a noctuid ("owlet") moth. Its common names include four-spotted moth and field bindweed moth. It is the only member of the genus Tyta, which forms a hitherto monotypic tribe Tytini in the Catocalinae subfamily. The adult moth is about 11 mm long and dark brown with one large white spot on each of its four wings. Two adult generations emerge each year, one in late spring and one in summer. In warm areas there is often a 3rd generation.


native to much of Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Maniacval 11 years ago
Four-spotted Moth
Tyta luctuosa Four-spotted Moth - Tyta luctuosa - Overview

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1 Comment

injica 11 years ago

Thank you Manval ;)

Spotted by


Spotted on May 11, 2013
Submitted on May 11, 2013

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