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Spotted Bee Balm

Monarda punctata


A shrubby flowering bush about 1 meter tall.


Pristine florida rosemary scrub, Lyonia Preserve.


No one in the master naturalist class knew what this was. Drove me crazy then to not know, and it still bugs me. I hope someone out there recognizes it!

1 Species ID Suggestions

Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

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Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

Yes, I believe Monarda punctata can become woody, but most sources do not say it gets that big. Maybe the conditions have been just right for it to get that big? I don't know.

MrsPbio 10 years ago

Does Monarda get woody as it gets big? Ive had it, but it never gets this big or woody. But I will certainly look into it further. Thanks! :)

Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

I think it may be Spotted Beebalm or also known as Horsemint. I have a more pinkish one at home. It's a herbacious perennial plant native to Florida and certainly attracts the bees once it starts flowering. I think it flowers in the summer, but I'm not 100% certain. At least the suggestion will point you in the right direction. They get to 1-3 ft tall. This may help as well

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Oct 11, 2012
Submitted on May 5, 2013

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