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Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Cacatua galerita


Known as white cocky, white cockatoo. Often kept as a pet in a cage & can outlive its owner by decades! Often in large flocks as these were, call is loud especially when a flock calls together, squawks, shrill notes can be deafening; male & female similar white colouring with yellow smudges of colour on wings (crest which is raised when alarmed), eye colouring can distinguish male from female; feeds on seed, nuts, grains either direct from the ground or from the trees or plants, can be destructive to growing plants. An active & 'chatty' species, prone to temper tantrums observed in the wild or in captivity, wary of unusual activity in its environment.


Found throughout eastern Australia, north & south-east, Tasmania & a patch in WA, in woodland, open country, farmland & forested areas of varying density. These ones near dry woodland forest area on edge of cropping area.


I worked in a zoo environment where unwanted pet white cockies were 'retired' to. Some were many decades old, some also had been mistreated & had become aggressive. It was always a risk entering the enclosure to feed, clean or administer medication. Several times the hems of my trousers & parts of boots were torn to shreds by the angry cockies' powerful beaks.

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Temper tantrums is right. Our tiny valley is full of them from a release of 6 in 1968 during bushfires. Not indigenous to this area now there are thousands. Some people feed them and if they stop (for holidays and such) the whole flock might descend onto a timber house or fence nearby and destroy it within 30 mins. Fabulous characters but not everyone loves them around here. Nice portrait shot KD.

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Thanks Maria dB. It's quite common for white cockies to outlive their owners & have to be sent to a home that can care for it as they live for such a long time in captivity. I can understand them attacking when they see a human (the ones that have been mistreated) as they associate any human with that mistreatment. Some also just get old & cranky. They are unmistakable when you hear or see them in the wild & the flash of pure white amongst the foliage or in the sky is a reminder of nature's beauty & contradictions - a beautiful bird with a voice that is incredibly loud.

Maria dB
Maria dB 10 years ago

Great information; sad that they were abandoned as pets and mistreated.

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Apr 3, 2014
Submitted on Apr 5, 2014

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