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Black Redstart / Hausrotschwanz (female)

Phoenicurus ochruros


I see the bird most often on a roof ridge starting about 7 a.m. until well into the afternoon. It may fly away for a few minutes, but always returns and even chases other small birds away from its favourite spot.


Open country with a few woods, a restored river with a floodplain and a few farms.


I thought this might be a common nightinggale, but what makes me unsure is the song (see video here: It sings only these few notes, repeated every few seconds on and off during the day.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Black Redstart
Phoenicurus ochrurus

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Ursula Fricke
Ursula Fricke 11 years ago

Thanks, Lenny!

LennyWorthington 11 years ago

This is a female with a nest nearby for sure

Ursula Fricke
Spotted by
Ursula Fricke

Ahlen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Spotted on May 25, 2013
Submitted on May 28, 2013

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