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Cedar Waxwing

Bombycilla cedrorum


The Cedar Waxwing is a medium-sized, sleek bird with a large head, short neck, and short, wide bill. Waxwings have a crest that often lies flat and droops over the back of the head. The wings are broad and pointed, like a starling’s. The tail is fairly short and square-tipped. Cedar Waxwings are pale brown on the head and chest fading to soft gray on the wings. The belly is pale yellow, and the tail is gray with a bright yellow tip. The face has a narrow black mask neatly outlined in white. The red waxy tips to the wing feathers are not always easy to see.


Chinaberry Tree in yard on Belton Lake.

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Texas, USA

Spotted on Apr 12, 2014
Submitted on Apr 20, 2014

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