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Peanut-butter Cup Fungus

Galiella rufa


One of the strangest of the cup fungi I have ever seen. Resembles a small acorn and then slowly opens up to a a slightly convex bowl that resembles wood grain in the interior. This series shows the transition to the open cup. A slight touch to the more mature opened cup sends up a powdery mass of spores. It has a tough rubbery texture, jelly like underneath with small minute stipe.


Saprobic on decaying hardwood sticks and logs; growing alone, gregariously, or (most often) in loose clusters; early summer and summer; apparently widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains.


Fruiting Body: Goblet-shaped to cup-shaped; 2-4 cm across; upper surface concave, orangish to brownish orange, bald; margin incurved, often finely toothed, fringed, or pustulate; undersurface hairy, dark brown to black, running down the pseudostem, becoming somewhat wrinkled with age; pseudostem 1-2 cm long, 3-5 mm thick, terminating in black basal mycelium; flesh gelatinous-rubbery and tough.

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1 Comment

JC_Forester 11 years ago

Thank-you for the favorites...

Spotted by

Kentucky, USA

Spotted on Jun 11, 2013
Submitted on Jun 11, 2013

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