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Ruddy turnstone

Arenaria interpres


These ruddy turnstones are pictured in non-breeding plumage. They're medium sized, sharp-beaked wading birds with white bellies. The legs are orange and the beak is dark and angular.


I spotted this bird in a North Pacific tidal zone, where it was wading on and fishing from the lava rocks.


There were several birds of this species present, as well as others.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyT 11 years ago
Ruddy Turnstone
Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone

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mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago

Well, I quickly looked it up and it definitely does not match. This is still probably a plover, though, because I recall that there were a lot of Pacific golden plovers nearby.

mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago

Deva, I don't have any closer photos but I'll look up the common ringed plover to compare. Thanks for your input!

Deva R Kumar
Deva R Kumar 11 years ago

Is there a closer picture? Looks like Common Ringed Plover.. not sure.

mauna Kunzah
Spotted by
mauna Kunzah

Hilo, Hawaii, USA

Spotted on Jan 10, 2013
Submitted on Jul 9, 2013

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