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Crayfish Snake

1 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyT 10 years ago
Queen Snake
Regina septemvittata Queen snake

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ColtMooney 10 years ago

Thank you Ashley for pointing out I was mistaken. But I did not just assume that because it was in the water. From my experience I've seen three species of snake that love the waters here. About 95% of the time it's a banded water snake. I was not familiar with this snake and made the wrong identification. Now I believe your suggestion of crayfish snake is the most similar however this snake was well over 36 inches. Any other ideas?

LilBunny 10 years ago

Ashley, the student showed no indication of it being a cottonmouth just because it's in the water. Infact, callawa37 is very upset now for reasons I will not tell.

AshleyT 10 years ago

Just because this snake was found in the water doesn't mean it is a cottonmouth. The head is long and skinny and this snake is too thin to be a cottonmouth. With the quality of these photos it is hard to be certain it is a queen snake, it could also be a crayfish snake, but it is most certainly not a cottonmouth.

Spotted by

Mississippi, USA

Spotted on May 19, 2014
Submitted on May 23, 2014

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