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Spring Coral Root

Corallorhiza wisteriana


Terrestrial orchid with no leaves. The flowers had yellow-green to brownish petals and a white lip with purple spots. They were between 5-9 inches in height, maybe some a bit taller. I'd guess the flowers were 1-2 cm long. They have a symbiotic relationship with fungi for their nutrients rather than using photosynthesis like most plants.


Under some young Sabal Palmetto and hardwood trees right next to the walking trail in Homosassa Wildlife Management Area. The path had lots of limestone

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Machi 4 years ago

Thanks Leuba

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 4 years ago

Very nice Machi.

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Feb 6, 2020
Submitted on Feb 25, 2020

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