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Chalcoparia singalensis

1 Species ID Suggestions

Chalcoparia singalensis Chalcoparia singalensis - Avibase

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OK thanks, I still think it could be a Rubycheek but not sure male or female. Not sure if the eye is really red or it was caused by lighting. Take a look at the pictures in the Avibase link I sent with the suggestion.

Mark Bolnik
Mark Bolnik 10 years ago

Hi Malcolm, this was taken during a guided night walk on the upper banks of the Kinabatangan River in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. It was a wet night and the bird was resting alone. The bill was pretty straight.

Hi mbolnik, a description of what you saw could help here, EG, did it have a curved bill, were there other birds nearby which looked the same or very different. I'm thinking this could be a female Rubycheek. Some habitat information would be helpful also.

Mark Bolnik
Spotted by
Mark Bolnik

Sabah, Malaysia

Spotted on Aug 31, 2012
Submitted on May 31, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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