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Stained lophosis

Lophosis labeculata


John B.
John B. 6 months ago

Hi Augusto,
If you look at the panama-moth-database.pdf in you will see that Lophosis labeculata is present in Panama, which shares a border with Colombia. It seems possible that this species might be present in Colombia, but I cannot find that it is documented there. So, it might be more correct to call this one "Geometrinae",

Gracias John B.

John B.
John B. 6 months ago

Hi Augusto,
In the Species ID Suggestion that I sent you, as you can see, I have called your moth Lophosis labeculata, but the distribution is limited to Eastern and South Eastern parts of the U.S.A. and Cuba. I am still checking for distribution in Colombia and will let you know.

Hola Augusto,
En la sugerencia de identificación de especies que le envié, como puede ver, llamé a su polilla Lophosis labeculata, pero la distribución se limita a las partes del este y sureste de los U.S.A. y Cuba. Aún estoy verificando distribución en Colombia y les aviso.

Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

Spotted on Jan 11, 2024
Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

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