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Antillean crested hummingbird

Orthorhyncus cristatus


Tiny green shiny hummingbird, about 8cm. It has a punky crest on its head. :-)


In the garden of our holiday cottage, Upper Hells Gate, Saba, Dutch Antilles As Saba is a small dormant vulcano in the Caribian it has lots of different vegetation from high to low i.e. - Rainforest in the clouds (Elfin Woodland) - Palm brake - Tree-fern brake - Secondary rainforest - Miconia en Piper dilatatum thickets - Woodland derived from seasonal forest - and at the lowest point - Croton thickets


This Antillean crested hummingbird was the first hummingbird I spotted on the Island of Saba. Then I noticed the Green Throated Hummingbird ( who had chased the Antillean Hummingbird away (they like the same stuff) ) But today I it was back again. HOORAY Check out the last picture where it has got his head IN the flower.

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Spotted on Jun 29, 2014
Submitted on Jul 31, 2014

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