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Coprinus sp.
This picture was taken on a nature walk at Lesser Slave Lake, in the Provincial Park. Tucked behind some bushes we started looking for fungus after finding a sac fungi on some dead/down logs. Greyish with striated cap; margin curling inwards with age. Following rains in leaf litter under poplar trees and has a short lifespan measured in hours not days.
Boreal forest. Picture was taken on a nature walk at the Bird Conservatory at Lesser Slave Lake, in the Provincial Park. Situated on top of rotting wood, the forest was a pre-climax mix of dying deciduous with a move towards fir species.
Photos by J.Bergie and K. Van Katwyck. Literature cited: Bossenmaier, E. 1997. Mushrooms of the Boreal Forest. University Extension Press. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
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