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Emperor or Eudoxus Charaxes

Charaxes eudoxus


Charaxes eudoxus, the Eudoxus Charaxes, is a butterfly in the Nymphalidae family.


I saw this burrerfly imbibing minerals from dung along with several other forest species, on a small path, quite deep in tropical forest. The last 2 photos show the habitat. It was a little distance from the stream but the forest looked the same.


pamsai 9 years ago

Thanks Kathleen and I think it's only a very small selection of what is to be found in Uganda.

James McNair
James McNair 9 years ago


What an incredible collection of African butterflies! Amazing!

Spotted by

Kanungu, Uganda

Spotted on Jul 18, 2014
Submitted on Aug 24, 2014

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