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Corn Spider (female)

Argiope aurantia


Large spider with distinct black and yellow markings on it's abdomen, with a mostly white cephalothorax. Orange on the inner parts of it's legs, black on the outer parts. Web is rather unique; their web has a thick zig-zag pattern (called a stabilimentum) straight down the middle of it, and is usually built somewhere between 2-8 feet off of the ground. Despite its "warning colors", it is harmless to most humans, exceptions being those with a specific allergy to its bite.


Sunny areas near open fields; any place with tall plants it can securely anchor a large web to. May also decide to build webs in the eaves of houses.


Corn spiders are also commonly known as "writing spiders" or simply "black and yellow garden spiders". Males and females differ in their coloring, markings, and sizes; a female is shown here. Males are brown, smaller, have thinner abdomens and longer legs. Once a web is built they try to remain in that spot for the entire summer.

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1 Comment

Nicole_D_19 12 years ago

Wow huge

Spotted by

New York, USA

Spotted on Sep 2, 2011
Submitted on Sep 2, 2011

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