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Common bird's nest fungus

Crucibulum laeve


This tiny fungus is a exact replica of a bird nest. Yellow/Brown in the cup where the egs are atached by a cord(funiculus),when a drop of rain hit the nest the egs are projected and the cord brock,but continue atached to the egs that use it to grab themselfs to the leaves that are arround.


Spotted in a accumulation of dead ferns in the border of a dirt road,near the river Homem,in Caldelas,Braga.


It's second time i spott this one

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Thanks Leuba, these are one of my preferred fungi to,so tiny and at same time so perfect,the "three sisters" are like little cups for little forest elf's :-)

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 4 years ago

I will always find these fascinating - lovely pics Antonio especially the "three sisters" in pic 3.

Thanks ,i love these nest fungi,so cool :-)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 4 years ago

Beautiful find!

Caldelas, Braga, Portugal

Spotted on Dec 29, 2018
Submitted on Dec 29, 2018

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