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Morning Glory

Ipomoea hederacea


Looks like a morning glory, but I could be wrong. Found entangling itself on the fence separating our house to our neighbor's house, so I hope our neighbors didn't get freaked out with me hoping around snapping photos!


Grows exponentially after heavy monsoon rains, and it is a natural beauty that will sometimes, as in this case, grow on it's own and make something as dull as a fence have a little more life.


The flowers are in full bloom in the morning and the leaves are as proud as a stoic in the shade, but after the sun hits them the flowers retreat (2nd picture) and the leaves become wrinkled and dry, until night falls and they spring back to life anew. First picture: flower. Second picture: flower after being exposed to sun. Third picture: possibly new buds of future flowers. Fourth picture: the plant's method of grasping onto the fence. Fifth picture: the leaves on the fence en masse, which easily reach the top of the fence and are starting to crawl up our neighbor's house. Last picture: a leaf of the plant.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Blue Morning Glory
Ipomoea Purpurea Ipomoea nil
Ron Kushner
Ron Kushner 10 years ago
Entire Leaf Morning Glory
Ipomoea hederacea var.integriuscula

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Ron Kushner
Ron Kushner 10 years ago

The sepals here:
are clearly those of Ipomoea hederacea.

Ron Kushner
Ron Kushner 10 years ago

Ipomoea hederacea as determined by the manner in which the sepal tips curl here:

Ivan Rodriguez
Ivan Rodriguez 12 years ago

Hey Sarah! Up to the genus Ipomoea, I agree with you, but all the pictures of I. purpurea that I've seen so far are of vivid purple flowers, while mine is definitely a solid blue. Plus, that species has been reported in Mexico and Central America, so I'm a little unsure of that. But thanks so much for helping. :)

Ivan Rodriguez
Spotted by
Ivan Rodriguez

Tucson, Arizona, USA

Spotted on Sep 27, 2011
Submitted on Sep 27, 2011

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