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Eastern Forktail Damselfly

Ischnura verticalis


The smallest damselfly. It was only about 1 inch. Beautiful colors. (Male)


Meadow in the Poconos

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CarolSnowMilne 13 years ago

Thanks so so much Cindy! Yes, the correct ID is the Eastern Forktail (male)

CarolSnowMilne 13 years ago

Did I put the wrong one up. Is this the British ID? This is what happens when I ID late at night. Let me look into it again! Thanks!

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

Hi Carol, do we have I. pumilio in the US? I was thinking this was I. verticalis (Eastern Forktail).

Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Sep 8, 2011
Submitted on Nov 20, 2011

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