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Heermann's Gull

Larus Heermanni


This gull was waiting for scraps from tourists in Downtown Sausalito CA. A characteristic feature is a red bill with a black tip.


Downtown Sausalito, CA


This species looks distinctly different from other gulls. Adults have a medium gray body, blackish-gray wings and tail with white edges, and a red bill with a black tip. The head is dusky gray in non-breeding plumage and white in breeding plumage. Immatures resemble non-breeding adults but are darker and browner, and the bill is flesh-colored or pink till the second winter. A few birds, no more than 1 in 200, have white primary coverts, which form a showy spot on the upper wing. Wikipedia

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Sausalito, California, USA

Spotted on Oct 12, 2008
Submitted on Dec 24, 2011

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