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1 Species ID Suggestions

Castor oil plant
Ricinus communis Castor oil plant

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DavidHaddock 12 years ago

Oops. Did not see Craig's response. Too cool. The beans (seeds) do look exactly like the castor oil seed in wilkepedia.

DavidHaddock 12 years ago

Maria (next door) cannot remember the name! She says her brother has it growing in front of his house and it is as big as a small tree in Romania. She is going to ask him next time they talk. Sorry!

DavidHaddock 12 years ago

My next door neighbor is from Romania and brought this plant with her many years ago. Last year I grew it in my yard in a corner of my vegetable garden from seeds (as seen in your picture) she gave me. Grew to 6.5 feet tall. The exact same plant as you have here. I forgot what she called it and she is not home right now. will ask her what her name is for it and let you know.

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Del Mar, California, USA

Spotted on Dec 27, 2011
Submitted on Dec 28, 2011

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