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El Color Rojo

El Color Rojo

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El Color Rojo
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Website 839 participants 2,286 spottings

El color rojo es un color audaz que representa la pasión. Nos gustaría crear una colección de imágenes de la fauna basado en el color rojo para mostrar el resultado de nuestra pasión por la naturaleza y la preservación de los ecosistemas en todo el mundo.

El Color Rojo

Recent Spottings

Rosy Ermine Moth Tukup 2 0 Rosy Ermine Moth
Spotting Augusto Patiño Ramirez 2 0 Spotting
Gallito de roca andino Augusto Patiño Ramirez 1 0 Gallito de roca andino
Betrothed Underwing Ornithoptera80 8 0 Betrothed Underwing
Rainbow Whiptail Male Muckpuk 6 0 Rainbow Whiptail Male
Honey locust moth Ornithoptera80 15 7 Honey locust moth
Butterbur Linnea Joandi 3 1 Butterbur
Viceroy Ornithoptera80 9 7 Viceroy
Gulf fritillary Ornithoptera80 8 2 Gulf fritillary
Hibisco, Rosa de China, Pacífico, Cardenales, Flor del beso – Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose mallow, Shoeblackplant Augusto Patiño Ramirez 2 1 Hibisco, Rosa de China, Pacífico, Cardenales, Flor del beso – Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose mallow, Shoeblackplant
Gray hairstreak Ornithoptera80 4 0 Gray hairstreak
Gulf fritillary Ornithoptera80 14 3 Gulf fritillary
Eastern cicada killer Saturniidae27 2 0 Eastern cicada killer
Piranga bermeja - Lowland Hepatic-tanager ♂ Augusto Patiño Ramirez 3 0 Piranga bermeja - Lowland Hepatic-tanager ♂
Plant Bug nymph JordiPrats 1 0 Plant Bug nymph
Northern Cardinal JordiPrats 1 0 Northern Cardinal
Asian lady beetle JordiPrats 1 0 Asian lady beetle
American Robin JordiPrats 1 0 American Robin
Squash vine borer Ornithoptera80 12 2 Squash vine borer
Autumn in the vineyards syzygy 1 0 Autumn in the vineyards
C-7 syzygy 1 0 C-7
Amapola loca / Red horned poppy Isabela 2 0 Amapola loca / Red horned poppy
Common carpet (and ladybug) syzygy 1 2 Common carpet (and ladybug)
Last days of mother ladybug syzygy 2 0 Last days of mother ladybug
Ivory-marked longhorn beetle Saturniidae27 1 0 Ivory-marked longhorn beetle
Multicolored Asian lady beetle (and moth) syzygy 0 1 Multicolored Asian lady beetle (and moth)
American snout Saturniidae27 1 0 American snout
Plant Bug nymph JordiPrats 2 0 Plant Bug nymph
false milkweed bug JordiPrats 2 0 false milkweed bug
Yellow-shouldered slug moth Saturniidae27 2 0 Yellow-shouldered slug moth
Fiery skipper Saturniidae27 3 0 Fiery skipper
Mexican finch (male) ornithoptera80 7 2 Mexican finch (male)
Northern Cardinal JordiPrats 3 0 Northern Cardinal
Large Milkweed Bug Ava T-B 5 0 Large Milkweed Bug
Carrion Flower, Black Bells, Maroon Cup Starfish, Rugose Cup Starfish, Starflower, Bell Stapelia, Tulp Aasblom Muckpuk 3 0 Carrion Flower, Black Bells, Maroon Cup Starfish, Rugose Cup Starfish, Starflower, Bell Stapelia, Tulp Aasblom
Vermillion Flycatcher (male) Tukup 2 0 Vermillion Flycatcher (male)
Vermillion Flycatcher (female) Tukup 1 0 Vermillion Flycatcher (female)
Ladybug Linnea Joandi 1 0 Ladybug
12-spotted Lady Beetle JordiPrats 2 0 12-spotted Lady Beetle
House Finch LarryGraziano 2 0 House Finch
American Pipe Snake Tukup 18 10 American Pipe Snake
Nympha Amazon treefrog Tukup 15 3 Nympha Amazon treefrog
Spiny Redberry Ava T-B 1 0 Spiny Redberry
Christmas Wreath Lichen Tukup 2 9 Christmas Wreath Lichen
Tángara roja migratoria - Summer tanager Augusto Patino Ramirez 14 0 Tángara roja migratoria - Summer tanager
Carpintero Buchipecoso - Spot-breasted ♂Woodpecker Augusto Patino Ramirez 2 0 Carpintero Buchipecoso - Spot-breasted ♂Woodpecker
Mariposa Colorada Braulio Alejandro Rivas Tapia 1 4 Mariposa Colorada
Red Anemonae Agustín Amenabar 1 0 Red Anemonae
Corn poppy; Amapola silvestre arlanda 1 0 Corn poppy; Amapola silvestre
Pololo Común isscarr 1 0 Pololo Común

Recently joined

Augusto Patiño R. syzygy Ornithoptera80 Saturniidae27
GeorgeNthr Tukup Matthew Eppihimer Zoe Crego2
Globalistar AnkitShah ZACHARY BRINDLE Daniel Klein
Angela Coleman Allisonne Ramsburg Rowenna Collins Thane Wilcox
BurshtinaPick Potato Plays Sophia Toti Alan Antonio GT
VeroniquePitre crashsaxophone Kit B. Jim Nelson
Dani1907 joanbstanley N�stor elit1
BrunoMoller Daniel Barris esoa12 Sara Fernández
YJunio kk8879 Ernest Riera Daniele2
KostasZontanos Gabe39 maxrothschild12345 nrvero
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