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Northern white-breasted hedgehog

Erinaceus roumanicus


The northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) is a species of hedgehog. The pictured male was wandering in Nea Demetrias, Volos Greece, and he was rescued by a friend, as he seemed very young and unable to live on its own in the wild. It was decided that he would be fed and cared for sometime, and 2 weeks later he was released back in the nature, away from the city, to continue with his life.

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Very cute indeed. But he is a wild animal, and he had to go back to his life in the wild. Besides that, hedgehogs are a protected species under the Greek law, and no one is allowed to keep them as pets, to harm them or whatever. So I kept him just for as long as I thought it was necessary for his own good: to gain so weight and grow a bit. He runs free now.

maplemoth662 6 years ago


Θεσσαλία - Στερεά Ελλάδα, Greece

Spotted on Jul 25, 2018
Submitted on Jul 25, 2018

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