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Añañuca de Cordillera

Rhodophiala rhodolirion


Es una planta de la familia de las Amaryllidaceae (Amarillis) bulbosa y perenne de alto valor ornamental. Tiene flores de color rojas o blancas con 6 pétalos, que pueden ser de color rosa o blanco.

An Amaryllidaceae Rhodophiala of the Central Andes of Chile - it has big flowers, pinkish or whitish in color, which can not be mistaken for any other plant. Although not very frecuent, where they grow, the density of these plants may be quite high, creating a nice speckled carpet of flowers in late spring.


Se encuentra en alturas extremas, muy por encima de la línea del bosque (la elevación absoluta depende de la latitud) en áreas con constantes precipitaciones con períodos secos cortos que no duran más de 1 mes. Están en pleno sol sin ninguna protección en lugares planos o laderas de exposición norte. La planta resiste temperaturas bajas (hasta -15° C incluso -20° C), puede estar cubierta durante meses (1 - 8 meses) por la nieve.

In Chile this species grows in the following environmental conditions:

Habitat according to altitude:

Extreme altitude well beyond the timber line, high altitude close to the timber line.

Watering conditions:

Humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).

Light conditions:

Fully exposed to the sun. Level areas or slopes facing north.

This plant gows at high elevations in Central and Central-southern Chile, in Talca at about 1800 - 2200 m., in Santiago at 2800 - 3200 m., well above the tree line, prefers sunny spots, generally on sandy or rocky ground with good drainage and poororganic matter content. It needs a lot of water during its vegetative growth (in early spring), but during the flowering it can withstand dry spells of up to two months (the bulbs store nutrients and water necessary for flowering).


Estas son dos plantas de diferentes colores, muy cerca unas de otras, a unos 500 metros del humedal de la parva.
Hay especímenes de un rosado más intenso.

Two plants, different colours, in the same area, about 500 meters from an area of wetlands.
There are also a much more brighter pink specimens.

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1 Comment

cormoros75 12 years ago


Lo Barnechea, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Spotted on Jan 7, 2012
Submitted on Jan 26, 2012

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