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1 Species ID Suggestions

smutnee80 12 years ago
elegant sunburst lichen (the orange one)
Xanthoria elegans

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zhabiz 12 years ago

Thanks Alex. I just joined.

AlexKonig 12 years ago

btw, we have now a mission for "lichen".( ) If you want, feel free to join. (everyone else with lichen, too !! )

zhabiz 12 years ago

Thanks. I'll let you know what I find in my book.

AlexKonig 12 years ago

yep,sounds right, at wikipedia can you get nice ( but not always complet ) information about the whole complex. ( ). (i have to make me familiar with that the next time!?! )good luck

zhabiz 12 years ago

Good question, AlexKonig. I have never thought of that, but my assumption would be they are two different lichens just co-existing on the same surface. I am not good at lichens too, but I think if they die, they would just start to dry out and wear off in the middle of the “colony”. As we can see one of the orange lichens has a hole in the middle, while the grey ones seem quite healthy. I’ll try to check this in my botany book. I have read that lichens are composed of a fungus or mold and an alga, which have symbiotic relationships. The fungus provides nutrients and minerals, since it has hyphal structure, which gives it the ability to penetrate through walls or stones or tree trunks; and the alga produces organic carbon sugars through photosynthesis, since it has chlorophyll.

AlexKonig 12 years ago

nice ! do you think, the grey and yellow are 2 species or is the one the older/dried/dead form of the other. First thought was : common wall lichen, but i'm not that good in lichen. And, as far as i know, are lichen still subclass of fungi. Even if i heard otherwise the last time, i haven't found hard evidence on the net

Spotted by

Oxford, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on Aug 2, 2008
Submitted on Jan 30, 2012

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