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White-Cheeked Gibbons

Nomascus sp.


Seen at Adelaide Zoo - I think this is a family unit (mum, dad and baby). They are native to Vietnam, Laos and the Yunnan province of China.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AnnaWhipkey 12 years ago
white-cheeked gibbon
Nomascus leucogenys Northern white-cheeked gibbon

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AnnaWhipkey 12 years ago

You're welcome ShannaB and DanielePralong! I learned something new researching the ID.

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Now it makes sense they should be in the same exhibit! Thank you indeed Anna:-)

ShannaB 12 years ago

Thank you VERY MUCH Anna, I believe you are right! I will merge them together and update.

AnnaWhipkey 12 years ago

I believe both of these are spottings white-cheeked gibbons. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism. They could also be Nomascus siki, but in any case they are Nomascus sp.

ShannaB 12 years ago

Thanks Daniele, will do.

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Hi Shanna! I'm still searching for those but I suggest you upload the second one as a separate spotting as this stage. That second one may be a species of colobus but I am not sure.

Spotted by

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Spotted on Jan 28, 2012
Submitted on Feb 20, 2012

Spotted for Missions

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