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Northern Water Snake

Nerodia sipedon sipedon


Black and Tan snake, about 4" long, mostly black head.


Unsure. Found on the road in a rural neighborhood with mixed woods and water nearby.


Found dead in the road but no evidence of injury.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyT 9 years ago
Northern Water Snake
Nerodia sipedon sipedon Northern Water Snake

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AshleyT 9 years ago

No problem! And yea, most of the water snakes can get pretty long as well as thick-bodied. They tend to be grumpy too, so never fun to get bit by a large one ;)

lpeterson 9 years ago

I am really surprised that this is a water snake! It makes sense since there are two lakes and two ponds right nearby. I've never seen a water snake before, though! And I didn't realize how big they could get. Thanks for the help!

AshleyT 9 years ago

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page of the link I provided, you will see one that looks just like yours. They are juveniles, won't get the pretty colors until they are adults :)

Spotted by

New Hampshire, USA

Spotted on Oct 14, 2014
Submitted on Oct 15, 2014

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