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Northern Red Bellied Snake

Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata


Approximately 4" long, light orange-salmon color with dark orange-brown head.


Unclear - found on the road near houses with woods (mixed coniferous & deciduous) on either side of the road. Small stream near road. Residential area with 2 acre lots and empty lots.


I found approximately 10 of these dead on the road in a three mile span. Are they migrating? Where are they moving to or from? Why all so small? Are they young?

1 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyT 9 years ago
Northern Red-bellied Snake
Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata Northern Red-bellied Snake

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AshleyT 9 years ago

No problem, and I'll be glad to help with your next snake as well :)

lpeterson 9 years ago

Wow, thanks Ashley! I think you have identified my snake. I have another snake to post tonight - maybe you can help. Thanks especially for the link. I'm learning a lot!

AshleyT 9 years ago

This time of year snakes are moving to their hibernaculums for the winter. They aren't very big snakes, the size you have here is a normal sized adult.

Spotted by

New Hampshire, USA

Spotted on Oct 14, 2014
Submitted on Oct 15, 2014

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