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Long-legged Buzzard

Buteo rufinus


There are many different colour forms, but usually Long-leggeds have a clear orange tint to the plumage, red or orange tail, pale head and largely white underwings. There is usually a distinctive black carpal patch and dark trailing edge to the wing. The rump and "trousers" are often dark or deep rufous. Plumage varies from ghostly pale individuals to very dark ones. Some plumages are almost similar to those of the Steppe Buzzard, the eastern subspecies of the Common Buzzard, but Long-legged Buzzards have longer wings and are more like Rough-Legged buzzards or even a small Aquila eagle. It feeds mostly on small rodents, although it will also take lizards, snakes, small birds and large insects.


It inhabits dry open plains of northern Africa, southeastern Europe, west and central Asia east to China, and across central India. Seen near a marshy wetland.


Above details from wikipedia. Clicked by Atul as I was driving and I have his permission to load these pics.

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Wild Things
Wild Things 12 years ago

Yes, Sachin, it was fun this time. A memorable trip with Atul and Yogesh Save.

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Excellent collection this time,

Wild Things
Spotted by
Wild Things

Gujarāt, India

Spotted on Mar 6, 2012
Submitted on Mar 12, 2012

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