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Birding For Fun

Birding For Fun

I enjoy nature, birding and hiking. I recently took up photography, and I enjoy sharing my photos with whomever wishes to view them.


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alicelongmartin DanielePralong lynne.warren NeilDazet
LuckyLogan skunkmeadow drew93 Cammie C. Jeffries
Birding For Fun Dark-Eyed Junco
Dark-Eyed Junco commented on by Birding For Fun Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

Great shot. These little guys are so fun to watch. I always no winter is here/coming when they show up.

Birding For Fun Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark commented on by Birding For Fun Amber, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

Such a beautiful bird...and lots of them!

Birding For Fun Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl commented on by Birding For Fun Amber, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

That third photo is amazing! Thanks for posting. By the way, do you know what kind of owl it was? It looks like a Great Horned Owl.

Birding For Fun Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk commented on by Birding For Fun Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

Great shot of the Juvi Cooper's. Looks like he found some lunch.

Birding For Fun Spider Web
Spider Web commented on by Birding For Fun Amber, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

Beautiful shot. Spider webs are hard to get focused on.

Birding For Fun Western honey bee
Western honey bee commented on by Birding For Fun Columbus, Ohio, USA11 years ago

Cammie - I use a Cannon Powershot SX40. It is actually a rather inexpensive point and shoot. It has a 35x zoom with 840mm capability. I have taken photos with it that are just as crisp and nice as some I have seen taken by 8000.00 dollar setups. Btw, thanks for the kind words. I have taken a break from Project Noah and have literally thousands of photos I could upload. I may do a smidgen here and there when time permits.

Birding For Fun Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey commented on by Birding For Fun Columbus, Ohio, USA11 years ago

Actually I live in a large city. There just so happens to be several Metro Parks nearby. That being said, I find that nature can be experienced almost everywhere, from your back yard, to a park in the middle of a city, to a wilderness on the edge of nowhere. You only have to look.

Birding For Fun Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing commented on by Birding For Fun Columbus, Ohio, USA11 years ago

He was looking a little rough after the bath. Bathing behavior in birds is fascinating. Over the weekend I saw three different species bathing right next to each other in a stream.

Birding For Fun House Finch
House Finch commented on by Birding For Fun Columbus, Ohio, USA11 years ago

Thanks Cammie. Actually there were several of these little guys in a tree...all males. He does kind of look like interrupted an important meeting...hehe.

Birding For Fun Tarpon
Tarpon commented on by Birding For Fun Florida, USA11 years ago

My first experience with Tarpon was in the Cayman Islands. I was scuba diving into a cave as about 15-20 tarpon were coming out. I assure you, they are massive when seen next to you in the water. Having said that, they are very gentle fish for their size and beautiful to boot.

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