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As a surveyor, my job often takes me to places where nature is in control. Taking the road less traveled usually makes all the difference.

Hot Springs, Arkansas

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Brian38 Horse Crippler Cactus
Horse Crippler Cactus commented on by Brian38 Junction, Texas, United States4 days ago

I have not tried it but it does sound interesting.

Brian38 Six-spotted Fishing Spider
Six-spotted Fishing Spider commented on by Brian38 Ben Lomond, Arkansas, United States4 days ago

Thank you, Sukanya.

Brian38 Rough Skinned Newt
Rough Skinned Newt commented on by Brian38 Port Townsend, Washington, United Statesa week ago

Welcome to Project Noah, mindatpeace.herbalism

Brian38 Pale bordered field cockroach
Pale bordered field cockroach commented on by Brian38 Bethel, Texas, United States2 weeks ago

Thank you, Zlatan.

Brian38 Straight-edge Red Parasol
Straight-edge Red Parasol commented on by Brian38 Lat: 15.46 Lon: 119.923 weeks ago

Amazing! Great pic John B.!

Brian38 Wasp Moth
Wasp Moth commented on by Brian38 Lat: 15.46 Lon: 119.92a month ago

That's a beauty John B.

Brian38 Hazel-leaf Roller Weevil
Hazel-leaf Roller Weevil commented on by Brian38 Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norwaya month ago

Very distinct and cool find!

Brian38 Halloween pennant
Halloween pennant commented on by Brian38 Bethel, Texas, United Statesa month ago

Thank you John B. This was the first time I got a picture of the top of its abdomen. They are usually too high on their perch or the wings get in the way. The wings do have amazing patterns.

Brian38 Buckmoth Caterpillar
Buckmoth Caterpillar commented on by Brian38 Clarksville, Virginia, United States2 months ago

Welcome to Project Noah, sharonmoore1978. Nice first spotting. Please change the species to Hemileuca maia and the organism from "Other" to "Arthropoda". Just go to edit spotting.

Brian38 Crimson Rose
Crimson Rose commented on by Brian38 Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India3 months ago


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