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I am author of "Insectpedia" and "Wasps: The Astonishing Diversity of a Misunderstood Insect."

Leavenworth, Kansas, USA

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alicelongmartin Ariana Geodialist SanciaMatthyssen
Tera2 thirasak0647278530 Cantheuse
BugEric Water Boatman
Water Boatman suggestion by BugEric Idaho, USA7 years ago

Common name: Water boatman
Scientific name: Corixidae (family)

BugEric Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by BugEric Jonesboro, Georgia, USA7 years ago

Common name: Whitecrossed Seed Bug
Scientific name: Neacoryphus bicrucis

BugEric Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by BugEric Jonesboro, Georgia, USA7 years ago

Common name: Jagged ambush bug
Scientific name: Phymata (genus)

BugEric Unknown Spotting
Unknown Spotting suggestion by BugEric Florida, USA7 years ago

Common name: Dark-winged fungus gnat
Scientific name: Sciaridae (family)

BugEric Stink Bug
Stink Bug suggestion by BugEric Oklahoma, USA7 years ago

Common name: Stink bug
Scientific name: Chlorochroa (genus)

BugEric Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by BugEric Delta Junction, Alaska, USA7 years ago

Common name: Cobweb weaver
Scientific name: Steatoda (genus)

BugEric Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by BugEric Brandon, Florida, USA7 years ago

Common name: Longlegged fly
Scientific name: Sciapodinae (subfamily)

BugEric Ant
Ant suggestion by BugEric New York, USA7 years ago

Common name: ant
Scientific name: Myrmicinae (subfamily)

BugEric Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by BugEric Kilgore, Texas, USA7 years ago

Common name: Crane fly
Scientific name: Tipulidae

BugEric Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider suggestion by BugEric Indiana, USA8 years ago

Common name: Barn Funnel Weaver
Scientific name: Tegenaria domestica

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