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Caleb Strand

Caleb Strand

16 year old "BIRD HARD!!!" birder, wildlife addict, ninja warrior, rock climber, family man.

Buckeye, AZ

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Caleb Strand Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup commented on by Caleb Strand Huntington Beach, California, USA7 years ago

These actually look more like Lesser Scaups. Greater should never show any peeking in the back of their heads like your birds do and would have larger, stockier bills with wider nails to the tips. Among these field marks, Greater would show very puffy cheeks (which would be visible when looking straight on with the bird), a steeper forehead, etc...

Caleb Strand Short-billed dowitcher
Short-billed dowitcher commented on by Caleb Strand Huntington Beach, California, USA7 years ago

These actually look better for Short-billed Dowitchers. Note the bills aren't solid black like should be seen in REKN, the undertail coverts are marked strongly, the breast is very heavily smudged almost making it a solid brown, the limited white supercillium sticking mostly around the eye, the dark chin/throat, the light edging to the scapulars, etc...

Caleb Strand Canada goose
Canada goose commented on by Caleb Strand Huntington Beach, California, USA7 years ago

Sorry haven't been active lately. Looks good for a Canada Goose.With its head facing slightly down and to the right. When I first looked at the photo what looked like a bill first struck me as a BRBO but the shape and structure is all wrong for a booby but perfect for a goose and I can actually see the head now and am quite confident in my identification even regarding the photo quality,

Caleb Strand Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Caleb Strand Huntington Beach, California, USA7 years ago

American Coot

Caleb Strand Whiskered Screech-Owl
Whiskered Screech-Owl commented on by Caleb Strand Arizona, USA7 years ago

Thanks Desmond! Josh has told me about you as well. Perhaps we will one day meet? Keep up the great birding, you'll become a legend!

Caleb Strand American Dipper
American Dipper commented on by Caleb Strand Idaho, USA7 years ago

Great shot Liam! Dippers are one interesting songbird.

Caleb Strand Whiskered Screech-Owl
Whiskered Screech-Owl commented on by Caleb Strand Arizona, USA7 years ago

Hey Liam, haha yeah Josh got me onto it a few months ago, I haven't been too active though.

Caleb Strand Spotted Owl
Spotted Owl commented on by Caleb Strand Arizona, USA7 years ago

Spotties really are amazing! Heck, the whole week after that experience I was thinking of changing my favorite bird to the SPOW but I couldn't haha! We were blessed greatly on that trip!

Caleb Strand Whiskered Screech-Owl
Whiskered Screech-Owl commented on by Caleb Strand Arizona, USA7 years ago

Thanks! They sure are!

Caleb Strand Whiskered Screech-Owl
Whiskered Screech-Owl commented on by Caleb Strand Arizona, USA7 years ago

Thanks you both!!! Owls are awesome!

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