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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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I am 10 years old and soccer is my favorite sport I love fifa 13

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TeresaTrumbleThomas solchild415 AliceGreenup jamiewgoodspeed
TeresaTrumbleThomas jio A.K.A tatyana isabella32001 solchild415
Birds of Florida
35 participants
210 spottings

Birds of Florida

This is a group to spot species of birds that live in Florida.

Plants and Animals of Florida
10 participants
28 spottings

Plants and Animals of Florida

This is a mission to find as many plant and animal species in Florida that you can.

Plant And Animal project FL
6 participants
96 spottings

Plant And Animal project FL

To find as many plants and animal species in Florida as you can.

Spady Species
45 participants
44 spottings

Spady Species

Our mission is to photograph and identify all of the plants on our school campus in downtown Delray Beach, FL. ...

Plant And Animal project FL
6 participants
96 spottings

Plant And Animal project FL

To find as many plants and animal species in Florida as you can.

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