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Jake Barnes

Jake Barnes

I'm going to college right now to get a degree in ecology or biology, nature has always interested me and now I can share it with everyone.

Conroe, Texas

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Dan Doucette HemaShah Jonathan Sequeira William_Dembowski
chebeague5 maplemoth662 William_Dembowski AntónioGinjaGinja
Jake Barnes Azara's fox
Azara's fox commented on by Jake Barnes São João do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil12 years ago

Great photo, I've only seen a fox twice before and I think that it was the same one or in the same family because I saw one in my neighborhood on two separate occasions, I think it was a common red fox? If there is such a thing haha

Jake Barnes Indian giant squirrel
Indian giant squirrel commented on by Jake Barnes India12 years ago

In the second and fourth picture he kinda reminds me of a cat, the way he's crouched and his bent haha

Jake Barnes Indian giant squirrel
Indian giant squirrel commented on by Jake Barnes India12 years ago

Great pictures, and that is some amazing info about them, I wish we have them here in Texas haha

Jake Barnes Yaguarundí
Yaguarundí commented on by Jake Barnes Cundinamarca, Colombia12 years ago

Nice spotting and amazing photo, if I'm not mistaken they are also found in the southern tip of Texas but are very endangered if not extinct in the area already, same as the ocelot, which I hope to see one day.

Jake Barnes Zebra Turkeyfish
Zebra Turkeyfish commented on by Jake Barnes Davao Del Norte, Philippines12 years ago

Beautiful photos and fish, I think there is also a mission for animals with warning colors that this could fit into aswell if you like.

Jake Barnes Alps' wild horngoat attitudes
Alps' wild horngoat attitudes commented on by Jake Barnes Salon-de-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, Tromelin Island12 years ago

Awesome pictures

Jake Barnes Downey woodpecker
Downey woodpecker commented on by Jake Barnes Richwood, Texas, USA12 years ago

Nice spotting

Jake Barnes Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird commented on by Jake Barnes Woodbridge Township, New Jersey, USA12 years ago

Great pictures! I like the 3rd one alot

Jake Barnes Dog vomit slime mold
Dog vomit slime mold commented on by Jake Barnes Prairie View, Texas, USA12 years ago

I'll check it as I check the alyssum and post it's progress aswell.

Jake Barnes Dog vomit slime mold
Dog vomit slime mold commented on by Jake Barnes Prairie View, Texas, USA12 years ago

Ok, thanks for the help, I'm pretty sure that's what it is

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