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Jim West

Jim West

I'm a quasi-retired graphic designer enjoying the opportunity to shoot photography.

ferris, tx, usa

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PamelaLim KarenL LeanneGardner Noe and Pili
CarolynGritzmaker Tristan Pragnell Brenda Hoffman The MnMs
Jim West Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk commented on by Jim West Lat: 32.54 Lon: -96.678 years ago

Thank you all for your comments.

Jim West Alfalfa Looper Moth
Alfalfa Looper Moth commented on by Jim West Pocatello, Idaho, USA9 years ago

Without knowing the size, my guess would be that it's a Cabbage Looper moth.

Jim West Crested Caracara
Crested Caracara commented on by Jim West Ferris, Texas, USA9 years ago

Thanks, ya'll. There's a nest down the road from my house a few miles. A pair are permanent residents here.

Jim West Widow Skimmer      female
Widow Skimmer female commented on by Jim West Denton, Texas, USA9 years ago

A female.

Jim West Giant Water Bug
Giant Water Bug commented on by Jim West Jacksonville, Florida, USA9 years ago

That's the safest way to find one.

Jim West Bearded Tit
Bearded Tit commented on by Jim West Пелагониски Регион, Macedonia9 years ago

Nice catch.

Jim West Carolina wren
Carolina wren commented on by Jim West Ferris, Texas, USA9 years ago

Thank you.

Jim West Progressive Bee Fly (40 species)
Progressive Bee Fly (40 species) commented on by Jim West Ferris, Texas, USA10 years ago

I believe so I just can't find the species.

Jim West Band-winged Dragonlet (female)
Band-winged Dragonlet (female) commented on by Jim West Ferris, Texas, USA10 years ago

Thanks to Omar R. Bocanegra of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for the ID.

Jim West Band-winged Dragonlet (female)
Band-winged Dragonlet (female) commented on by Jim West Ferris, Texas, USA10 years ago

If it is, I have discovered the world's largest damselfly.

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