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João Pedro Silva

João Pedro Silva

Co-authored a field guide on the "Sea Slugs of the Algarve". Several of my photos are on field guides and museums. Love to learn every day.


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Jae Claudio Marques Ava T-B Ana Coelho
João Pedro Silva Squid capsules
Squid capsules commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

Thos are eggs capsules of a squid (Loligo sp.).

João Pedro Silva Nudibranch
Nudibranch commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

Thanks, Ashley. Not all nudibranchs have pretty colors but they all are amazing creatures with incredible adaptations. After adding some of my photos of nudibranchs and opisthobranchs I'll add some more cryptic animals.

João Pedro Silva Nudibranch
Nudibranch commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

I'm probably only duplicate some species if there are some noticeable variations and/or observations in very different places.

João Pedro Silva Nudibranch
Nudibranch commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

Thanks, António. This is just one of the most common and most easily seen species along our coast at any time of the year. I still have to upload some more species... in fact, I'm not even half way just in terms of species (I'm not going to upload all my observations in 15 years :) ).

João Pedro Silva Little swiss cow
Little swiss cow commented on by João Pedro Silva Comunitat Valenciana, Spain9 years ago

This species is the type for the Peltodoris genus so the placement under the Discodoris genus has been render obsolete some years ago. Discussion on this can be read at the (late) Sea Slug Forum:

João Pedro Silva Pilgrim Hervia Nudibranch
Pilgrim Hervia Nudibranch commented on by João Pedro Silva Comunitat Valenciana, Spain9 years ago

This is Cratena peregrina, a common species in the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic easily recognized by the two orange patches on the head and the smooth rhinophores with orange tips.

João Pedro Silva Nudibranch
Nudibranch commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

You're welcome, António. We have roughly 150 species of nudibranchs, many of which can be found anywhere along the coast during the low tide (although to see the whole range you have to dive). I believe we would find even more species if there were more people actively trying to document them.

João Pedro Silva European painted top shell
European painted top shell commented on by João Pedro Silva Portugal9 years ago

The two photos show two different species.

João Pedro Silva Nudibranch Platydoris sanguinea
Nudibranch Platydoris sanguinea commented on by João Pedro Silva Andalucía, Spain9 years ago

Platydoris sanguinea is a species of the Western Pacific. This is Platydoris argo.

João Pedro Silva nudibranch Hypselodoris elegans
nudibranch Hypselodoris elegans commented on by João Pedro Silva Gualchos, Andalucía, Spain9 years ago

Hypselodoris elegans is an outdated classification. The current valid name is Felimare picta. The World Regester of Marine Species has all the references for this:

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