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Inspired by Michael Moore, Bear Grylls, Nature and GreenPeace.

Sri Lanka

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SherriDamlo Geodialist gilreis Atul
SisirBanga Bhagya Herath Nimbid Ditavi Nesira
Khathoub Moth Clown-face::ballerina
Moth Clown-face::ballerina commented on by Khathoub Santander, Colombia11 years ago

just amazing....

Khathoub Asian Elephant
Asian Elephant commented on by Khathoub Sri Lanka11 years ago

niceee shots.. im so grateful that I got the chance to see the place for real... :) wonderful..

Khathoub Asian elephants
Asian elephants commented on by Khathoub Sri Lanka11 years ago

i have been there.. nice shots man.. :)

Khathoub Planthopper
Planthopper commented on by Khathoub Sri Lanka11 years ago


Khathoub Moth Caterpillar
Moth Caterpillar commented on by Khathoub Alawwa, Sri Lanka11 years ago

nice pic man.. :)

Khathoub Indian Peafowl
Indian Peafowl commented on by Khathoub Hambantota, Sri Lanka11 years ago


Khathoub Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater commented on by Khathoub Matara, Sri Lanka11 years ago

nice shot man!

Khathoub Peacock
Peacock commented on by Khathoub Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka11 years ago

done.. :)

Khathoub Snail
Snail commented on by Khathoub Polhengoda, Sri Lanka11 years ago

Thanks Ava. :)

Khathoub Eurasian Blackbird
Eurasian Blackbird commented on by Khathoub Sri Lanka11 years ago

interesting.. oh yes you did.. thanks alot.. :)

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