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Sri Lanka

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Geodialist SherriDamlo Atul gilreis
Nimbid Ditavi Bhagya Herath SisirBanga Nesira
Khathoub Eurasian Blackbird
Eurasian Blackbird commented on by Khathoub Sri Lanka11 years ago

it was early in the morning.. on top of a mountain.. mebe thats the reason why its bluish.. can u pls tell me how to identify whether its a male or a female.. thanks alot Phillip.

Khathoub Peacock
Peacock commented on by Khathoub Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka11 years ago

thanks man. :)

Khathoub Sphingidae
Sphingidae commented on by Khathoub Polhengoda, Sri Lanka11 years ago

bayucca, this was the only shot i got. thanks heap..

Khathoub Cashew
Cashew commented on by Khathoub San José, Costa Rica11 years ago

very informative..

Khathoub Polilla
Polilla commented on by Khathoub Santander, Colombia11 years ago

Nice spotting..

Khathoub Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird commented on by Khathoub Polhengoda, Sri Lanka11 years ago

True, thankyou for sharing your point of views here. Next time I will consider your points. Thanks again. Cheers.

Khathoub Eclectus Parrot
Eclectus Parrot commented on by Khathoub Maldives11 years ago

Thanks Daniel, Corrected the mistake. Honest mistake while learning the website more..

Khathoub Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal commented on by Khathoub Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA11 years ago

nice spotting..

Khathoub Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird commented on by Khathoub Polhengoda, Sri Lanka11 years ago

Hey Karen, I am well aware of that fact. This bird was in a very ill condition. You will come to know it if you look at it legs. Not only that. The guy who wanted to sell didnt bother about this. I myself, didnt wana to have animals caged, so i thought the best thing to do is to freely let it go aft it healed. Furthermore there are lotsa ringneck parakeets and some species of lovebirds locally found in Sri Lanka.

Khathoub Garden Acraea
Garden Acraea commented on by Khathoub Western Cape, South Africa11 years ago


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