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Mona Pirih

Mona Pirih

I love nature, and somebody teach me more... and I love it so much....


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Atul Wild Things Dan Doucette Elsa
maplemoth662 Giovani Machi Telse
Mona Pirih Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis commented on by Mona Pirih PRK, Malaysia6 years ago

wow.. Awesome

Mona Pirih Sand rat
Sand rat commented on by Mona Pirih מחוז הדרום, Israel6 years ago

so cute !!!

Mona Pirih Sunda Owlet
Sunda Owlet commented on by Mona Pirih Jambi, Indonesia6 years ago

wow !!!

Mona Pirih Curlew sandpiper?
Curlew sandpiper? commented on by Mona Pirih Zeeland, Netherlands6 years ago

Dunlin got a black belly patch when breeding..

Mona Pirih Indian moon moth or Indian Luna moth
Indian moon moth or Indian Luna moth commented on by Mona Pirih Pune, Maharashtra, India6 years ago

Very beautiful

Mona Pirih Dunlin?
Dunlin? commented on by Mona Pirih Zeeland, Netherlands6 years ago

I beg your parden, this is Curlew Sandpiper in breeding plumage

Mona Pirih Dunlin?
Dunlin? commented on by Mona Pirih Zeeland, Netherlands6 years ago

yes, It's a Dunlin, semi breeding plumage

Mona Pirih Lanternbug
Lanternbug commented on by Mona Pirih Mangochi, Malawi6 years ago

I love this

Mona Pirih Peach-Colored Fly Agaric
Peach-Colored Fly Agaric commented on by Mona Pirih Georgia, USA6 years ago

Congratulations it's beautiful series !! I love that

Mona Pirih Soybean Leaf Folder
Soybean Leaf Folder commented on by Mona Pirih Indonesia9 years ago

Thanks Mark Ridgway

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