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Houghton Lake, Michigan

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Liam Juan DiTrani Elsa auntnance123
Ava T-B AmandaCech Vipul Ramanuj KaraPeckham
NicholeSauve Killdeer
Killdeer commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA8 years ago

Thank you! :) It was right at my work. We have a lot of feild so it's much more difficult to find the nests here, especially since the killdeers are amazing at misleading you lol, but I finally found one and sectioned it off.

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

It's fun. . lol. And good practice. :) You should go to school for biology, or are you already?. I'm going for my Fisheries and Wildlife Management degree. Bugs can be a real pain in the butt to identify, but the worst is mushrooms. I usually give up on a lot of

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

Doesn't have a specific common name. Just chafer or scarab. But scientific name should be correct. Try antennae in this picture. :)

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

And I already corrected on the Hermit Beetle, lol.

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

Hm, it's hard to see the antennae from the picture, as they are shadowed by the head, but from other pictures it looks like they probably are angled antennae. I disagree about the body though. They are very similar, including the triangle at the top of the back.

NicholeSauve European Praying Mantis
European Praying Mantis commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

I did my big zoology project on the Praying Mantis. They are my favorite bug! I love these shots. I wanted to get some really good photos of a tiny one just coming out of the nymph stage about a month ago, now that Barry has a phone with a really good camera on it, but I didn't hang onto him until he got home from work. I love macro, and wish I still had a good camera to work with. One thing I love about the mantis, is how amazing the species are across the world. My favorite are the pink and white ones that blend with orchids. lol

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

I'm sorry, just Flower Chafer. Hermit Flower Beetle, although almost identical, looks to have a smooth back. Guess they are closely related. Didn't read the info very well.

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

I was thinking hybrid for a minute too, lol. That's all I could think is that it looked like a mix between two beetles. The japanese and maybe a black weevil or something. But I'm pretty sure it's the Flower Chafer/ Hermit Flower Beetle

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

Found it, I think. Suggested in ID suggestion.

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab commented on by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

Hmm. . the only beetle I seem to be finding in MI with those antennae is the Japanese Beetle, but it's color and striated back don't coincide. Guess to keep looking. Pretty photo though.

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